ProceduralPlanets Namespace Reference


class  Blueprint
 This base class for all blueprints which contains core classes, lists, and methods common to all blueprints. Planet and Ring blueprites are derived from this class. More...
class  BlueprintGasPlanet
 This is derived from the BlueprintPlanet and contains specific types of properties for gas planet blueprints. More...
class  BlueprintPlanet
 This is the parent class of planet blueprints containing some of the core variables, classes and methods. Derived from Bluprint class which contains some core classes, lists, and methods common to all types of blueprints. More...
class  BlueprintRing
 This is the class of ring blueprints. Derived from Bluprint class which contains some core classes, lists, and methods common to all types of blueprints. More...
class  BlueprintSolidPlanet
 This is derived from the BlueprintPlanet and contains specific types of properties for solid planet blueprints. More...
class  GasPlanet
 Component used by gas planets. Planets are created by using the Inspector on the PlanetManager or via the static public method

See also
PlanetManager.CreatePlanet(Vector3, int, string, string)

in PlanetManager. More...

class  GasPlanetStatic
 This component is used by gas planets that have been baked from being a procedural planet to a static baked planet. More...
class  LocalStar
 This component contains properties for a local star and it's used by planets to locate a star in the scene (by finding this component) More...
class  Planet
 This is the base class for planets. Solid and Gas planets derive from this class. More...
class  PlanetManager
 PlanetManager is a required component that must exist as a single instance in all scenes where ProceduralPlanets are used. More...
class  PlanetStatic
 This is the base class for static planets. Static planets have been baked from a procedural planet and can no longer be changed. Solid and Gas static planets derive from this class. More...
class  ProceduralOctahedron
 This component generates a procedural octahedron sphere. More...
class  ProceduralRing
 This component generates a procedural ring. More...
class  PropertyColor
 PropertyColor contains a base color with specified ranges for hue, saturation and brightness. It contains reference to any shaders that are affected by this Color. More...
class  PropertyFloat
 PropertyFloat contains floats with a minimum/maximum range. It contains reference to any procedural textures, materials, and shaders that are affected by this float. More...
class  PropertyFloatAnimation
 Used to keep track of animated floats. More...
class  PropertyMaterial
 PropertyMaterial contains reference to a procedural material and reference to any procedural textures and shaders that are affected by this material. More...
class  Ring
 This is the class for ring. More...
class  RingStatic
 This is the class for static ring. More...
class  Singleton
 Singleton class that the Manager derives from to ensure only one peristent instance exists of the Manager. More...
class  SolidPlanet
 Component used by solid planets. Planets are created by using the Inspector on the PlanetManager or via the static public method

See also
PlanetManager.CreatePlanet(Vector3, int, string, string)

in PlanetManager. More...

class  SolidPlanetStatic
 This component is used by solid planets that have been baked from being a procedural planet to a static baked planet. More...
class  Util
 Utility class used to reduce repetitive code. More...