
◆ ExportAllBlueprints()

static string ProceduralPlanets.PlanetManager.ExportAllBlueprints ( StringFormat  _stringFormat = StringFormat.JSON_ESCAPED)

Exports all planet blueprints (and any child ring blueprints) to a JSON string.

You can use the exported string as a method to backup all your blueprints. Call ExportAllBlueprints() and save the resulting string to a text file which can be imported at a later stage if necessary.

Note: There is an Import from Clipboard button in the PlanetManager Inspector which may be easier than scripting import/export.

_stringFormatString format - defaults to escaped JSON but can also be compact JSON, easy-read JSON or Base64 JSON.
JSON string of all blueprints stored in the PlanetManager component.
See also
SimpleJSON.StringFormat, ImportBlueprints